Enhancing Complementarity and Strengthening Capacity for Sustainable Resilience Building in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands

This report presents the findings, conclusions

and recommendations of a review of the World Food Programme’s (WFP’s) capacity strengthening activities under the ‘Enhancing Complementarity and Strengthening Capacity for Sustainable Resilience Building in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands’ project. The review has been commissioned by the WFP Kenya office, Country Capacity Strengthening Unit (CCS) and covers the period January 2015 to June 2017.  The overall objective of this multi-year project is to:

“Strengthen the capacity of government and communities to establish, manage and scale up sustainable, effective and equitable food security and nutrition institutions, infrastructure and safety net systems, including systems linked to local agricultural supply chains.”

The project is organised around three Building Blocks (BBs):

Building Block 1 – Supporting strategic coordination of social protection at the national level, which seeks to enhance complementarity between WFP’s long-standing safety nets and Kenya’s evolving national social protection system;

Building Block 2 – Capacity Development for Newly Devolved County Structures, which seeks to strengthen the early warning, food security assessment and EPR capacities (eg: humanitarian Supply chain management; Disaster Risk Reduction Policy and regulatory framework) of four partner counties in Kenya’s arid lands (Baringo, Marsabit, Samburu, and Wajir).

Building Block 3 – Enhancing resilience to shocks, strengthening asset creation activities and transitioning responsibility to Government, supports community resilience through high-quality asset creation, beneficiary graduation, and working towards integrating a productive safety net in county and national policy and institutional frameworks, and which works in nine counties, five of which are financed through SIDA support.

The Review objectives were to assess and report on;

  1. the results achieved between January 2015 and June 2017 and,
  2. ii) the effectiveness of the approach WFP has adopted to realise these. The review team was asked to determine the reasons why certain results have been achieved or not, in order to draw lessons, derive good practices and pointers for learning