Evaluation design and baseline study for promoting durable solutions to displaced populations in Somalia.

This is the report for the baseline study

and development of evaluation design for the Project: “Promoting Durable Solutions through Integrated Return, Reintegration and Resilience Support to Somalia Displacement –Affected Populations”. The project seeks to ensure that:

  1. Returnees and IDPs are better protected from violence and conflict
  2. Returnees and IDPs have improved access to shelter, clean water, adequate nutrition and education
  3. Returnees, IDPs and host communities are better trained, self-reliant, employed, and/or accessing loans and savings
  4. Demandforandsupplyofgovernmentservices, including social protection mechanisms, are strengthened consistently with regional and national refugee law and policy
  5. Durable solutions decision-making processes at the national and regional levels are informed by knowledge and evidence generated by DSP (policies and programming processes)

The study was conducted in four (4) locations in the south-central region of Somalia. The localities are Kismayo and Dollow in Jubaland state, Mogadishu in Federal State, and Baidoa in South West State. They represent the main areas of refugee return and are hosting a large population of IDPs, and are, therefore, accordingly, the sites where the Durable Solutions Project will be implemented, targeting the displacement-affected populations.


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